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Recommend an Excellence Se conosci un’attività che reputi eccellente, puoi segnalarcela e fare in modo che ottenga il giusto riconoscimento
restaurants IL SOLE La Nuova Cucina grazie a LUIS MENA

Our History

Luis Mena always had the dream of coming to America andachieving the American dream. Luis arrived in the USA at the age of 17, full ofdreams and desire to work and be part of this country, a country where dreamscome true... America. He soon developed a passion for the art of food, flavors,and the culture of the restaurant world.

For several years, Luis was working for different restaurants, looking for a better future, but most importantly… looking for his passion. On one occasion, Luis had the opportunity to travel to Italy. On his trip he was able to learn more about the culture and art of Italian food, its wines and its essence in general, from the north of Italy to the south inSicily.

Luis Mena has always been a man of challenges and one ofthem was opening a restaurant of his own with his wonderful wife Claudia Menathat has been one of their dreams since they met. Their dream came true onSeptember of 2019 in Rancho Santa Margarita.

restaurants Gusto Feasterville By Chef Andrea Esposito

Our Mission
“When I think about creating authentic Italian cuisine, the words that come to mind are "homemade, seasonal, and traditional." My family, upbringing, and where I was born and raised have greatly inspired my culinary style. My town of origin, Monte di Procida (a small coastal town in Naples) has always been synonymous with the natural culinary resources that the land and sea have to offer. The freshness and genuineness of the ingredients, the smells and tastes of homemade dishes made from recipes that have been handed down for generations; all of which enforced my family’s belief that good food is created from simple, healthy ingredients and done so with passion, love, and hard work. I continue to hold that belief to this day. My restaurant, Gusto, demonstrates all of these qualities in our traditional and authentic Italian cuisine while adding the innovation and avant-garde of today's Italy. At Gusto, all of our ingredients are thoughtfully selected and imported from Italy, using only the best quality ingredients available. All of our pasta, bread, mozzarella, and stracciatella are made in-house following traditional Italian recipes, with the ingredients we import from Italy. We also use seasonal organic produce in our dishes. The menu is characteristic of Italy; the separate courses, the portion sizes, and the combination of the ingredients. The menu is changed every 2 months to offer our guests fresh, seasonal dishes.”
Chef Andrea Esposito

What does Gusto mean?
In Italian, the word for ‘taste’ is ‘gusto’. We chose this name because Gusto Ristorante Italiano BYOB can be seen as "A Taste of Italy," offering the true taste of the foods, desserts, and beverages that can be found in Italy today, with their quality ingredients and authenticity.

What do you mean by ‘authentic Italian’?
In the USA, there is a big misconception about the Italian cuisine. What is referred to as “Italian” food in the USA is actually Italian- American. The Italian-American cuisine, although inspired by true Italian cuisine, is much different in comparison and it is not what is made or served in any part of Italy. It’s what has evolved from the recipes of the Italians who immigrated to the USA in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Gusto’s menu is designed to allow you to experience Italy’s true cuisine without having to make the trip; we want you to feel like you are enjoying a meal in Italy every time you dine with us. Every dish we serve replicates the authentic taste of traditional recipes from Italy.

What makes the ingredients you use ‘quality ingredients’?
All the ingredients are thoughtfully selected and imported from Italy; only the best of the Italian market. All these items are grown, produced, and packaged in Italy and are not identical to the items sold on the American market under the same name. All of them are DOP (Denominazione di Origine Protetta/ Protected Designation of Origin) and IGP (Indicazione Geografica Protetta). What cannot be imported, we make in-house every morning using the ingredients we import from Italy. This includes our entire selection of pasta which is cooked to order al dente, as well as our bread, meatballs, mozzarella, and stracciatella following Italian recipes for an authentic and traditional taste.
Our seafood selection and organic vegetables are always fresh and seasonal. In order to guarantee this, we change the menu every two months utilizing only what the current season offers, following Italian recipes consistent with the Italian holidays and traditions.

Can you explain your menu structure and portion sizes?
The menu is designed to offer an authentic Italian experience even in following the Italian meal structure which is an antipasto (appetizer) as starter, a primo piatto (first course) of pasta, a secondo piatto (second course) of protein, and a contorno (side dish). For each course, we serve the same portion sizes as you would be served in homes and restaurants throughout Italy. The portion size of each dish is very exact. This is because it follows the idea that you will have multiple courses, allowing you to enjoy your entire meal.

restaurants La Cucina Di Frà Pappina - Ristorantino

Delizioso Ristorantino di Pesce di Mare...un Menù giornaliero che offre tante golosità.

restaurants Ristorante Pizzeria Enoteca Panorama Segni - Chef Marco Graziosi

Il Ristorante Panorama nasce nel lontano 1985 dallo Chef Marco Graziosi e sua moglie Stefania, è situato su un Agropoli che domina l’alta Valle del Sacco.

Lo chef Marco ha saputo miscelare tradizione e prodotti del territorio Lepino, rivisitando le ricette di una volta e apportando così gusto e innovazione nella ristorazione laziale.


Pizzeria al trancio
Ingredienti km 0
Lievitazione naturale 3 giorni


Emivita è la Pizzeria Innovativa gestita dal Pluri Campione Mondiale Mario Scandura.
Ci troviamo in Via Matrice 6 - Aci Catena ( CT ).

restaurants Trattoria Al Pescatore Di Tabaković Emil
Dal 1904 Cucina naturale con bontà a base di pesce
Viale Miramare 211
34136 Trieste
restaurants GRAN CAFFÈ SCIARRA DAL 1862

Viale Secondo Moretti 31/A
63074 San Benedetto del Tronto (AP)

pizzerias Julius’s Pizza

Julius’s Pizza tarjoaa alusta loppuun saakka itse tehtyä napolilaistyylistä pizzaa liikkuvasta pizzavaunusta

Cucina tipica Emiliana

Dopo un’avventura durata più di 10 Anni, Andrea Caracciolo decide di chiudere la sua precedente attività “Antica Osteria da Andrea” per iniziarne una nuova chiamata “Acqua Salata – Beach & Restaurant” nell’estate 2021.

L’attività si divide in due parti. Il ristorante, sotto la supervisione di Andrea e Serena, è aperto tutto l’anno.

Il nostro punto di forza è la cucina tradizionale di pesce rivisitata, proponendo un connubio perfetto tra tradizione e novità.

L’altra componente importante di Acqua Salata, è lo stabilimento balneare, dove poter rilassarsi sotto un ombrellone e coccolarsi con il nostro bar esterno, dove è possibile fare colazioni e aperitivi di ogni tipo

restaurants Osteria Da Fortunata

I nostri cuochi sono Romani, ai fornelli comanda nonna Iris, capo chef di 88 anni che si divide ancora oggi nei suoi 4 ristoranti tra Roma e Milano.

Nei nostri ristoranti si cucinano solo prodotti BIOLOGICI: con Antonia e Rita al mattarello si stende FARINA MACINATA ANCORA A PIETRA a tutte le ore del giorno e della sera, per servirti pasta fresca fatta al momento.
I nostri mastri fornai ogni mattina preparano il pane, le crostate, e tutti i nostri dolci.
I fritti sono fatti in padella con olio extravergine di oliva proveniente da frantoi umbri e toscani, si friggono i supplì, le crocchette e le olive ascolane che facciamo noi, e ad ogni fritto si cambia l’olio.

Da noi si condisce il tutto con:
GUANCIALI di Norcia stagionati 6 mesi, con UOVA BIOLOGICHE di gallina di campagna, con PARMIGIANO DELLE VACCHE ROSSE 48 MESI DI STAGIONATURA: sono vacche che producono poco latte e che per fare una forma se mungono 550 litri di latte.
PECORINO VERO ROMANO, proveniente dai nostri allevamenti.

DALLE NOSTRE CAMPAGNE ci arrivano Abbacchi, Galletti, Conigli e Maialini, Ricotte squisite che potete assaporare nei nostri Ravioli e nelle Crostate.


Le nostre sedi:


  • Via del Pellegrino 11


  • Piazza della Cancelleria 87


  • Corso del Rinascimento 17



  • Via Fiori Chiari 13


pizzerias La Pratolina Cipro
Pinsa, pizza al taglio, panini e tanto altro

Un’esperienza seducente per i vostri palati grazie a piatti raffinati a base di pesce

restaurants Area 21 Da Dario


Snack Bar

Lunch & Dinner



restaurants Settimo Arrangiarsi - Carne Vino e...

Ristorante con specialità di carne, vieni a scoprire cosa ci contraddistingue dai classici ristoranti!